Cougar relationships: Matured women lure towards Young guys

Cougar relationships is visualized as a new trend in global stage in which mature women date with young men.

Cougar is basically an intimate relationship between middle aged or elderly females and young guys. It may be romantic relationship.

There are numerous reason for senior females get deeply involved with young males.
It is well observed that younger males exhibit more romance and have sexual instinct. Therefore main magnetism of middle aged females towards young guys is to gratify this need. Women when turns to 40, may have more instinct due to biological reasons and they look for thrilled young men.

It is perceived that women in the age of 40 are well settled and they have successful professional career. They are now in the stage of taking good decision about their life. Women in 40s are more relaxed with younger men who obey them and give more respect in professional set up.  

But how it can be justified to retain cougar relationship. No matter how advanced the society is. There are certain norms in every civilization. Human relationships are well defined and any defective relationship may have grave consequences. Exceptions are always there.

Though, there are many tempting characteristics to the cougar relationship, but it is warning to such matured females. It is assumed that these relations will not last for longer period. It is just a fascination or physical charm to satisfy physical needs. The basic idea of extending cougar relationships is sexual magnetism, which may fade as people grow older. Therefore there is no reason to believe that such relations will form a long-term affection.
Many issues may develop if cougar relationships are maintained for longer period:

There may be lack of friendship as due to age difference, they may not have same liking or interests. These habits are important for long term relationship.

Another challenge in cougar relationships is mounting effect of age inequality. Partners may develop feelings of insecurity, protectiveness and selfishness due to wide age gap.

There may be distorted relationship with children. Young guy cannot take onus of father for his wife’s kids.
Regardless of such serious challenges, cougar relationships are gaining speed in today’s global society. These relationship are more acceptable in case of celebrity.

In Asian platform, cougar relationship are rarely seen. These relations are regarded as anomalous in Indian communities. Women in modern age are independent and powerful to make wise decisions. But mature women must appraise the real meaning of involving with others as it is a life time commitment. In democratic system, females have liberty to choose but they should be careful in fuelling cougar relationship. It may lead to disappointment and other emotional disturbances that may hamper their life goals.

To bind up concepts, it is recognized that cougar relationship are just fad and gratification of needs for temporary moment. It is known slang that love outshine age. In cougar relationship, partners involve more emotionally than practically. Many psychologists avowed that strength of such relationship depends on how partners retain their intimate bond. 


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