Smart tips to Study Abroad

In present scenario, most of the candidates are excited to study overseas and to experience a new ethos.

 There are some tips, they must follow to study smoothly in international university/ college:

1. Candidates must prepare sensibly to study abroad by choosing the right study abroad program. Academic requirements for study abroad:

Candidates should have completed at least two years of university education.

Academic background must be relevant to the courses they are applying.

Applicants will need to demonstrate proficiency in English, preferably by means of an IELTS test though institutes also accept TOEFL, the Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) and the Certificate of Advanced English (CAE). Institutes need to receive an original report with test results that are no more than two years old.

2. After selection of suitable course, students have to appear in the required tests and get the scores before application deadline of the program, then they might have to report the scores to the chosen program departments or schools as instructed in how to apply in their website.

 3. After clearing tests and filling application, candidates will be ask about the student visa requirements and make sure to have a current passport and then apply for visa.

 4. After above formalities are done, candidates must be familiar to culture of country in which they are going to study. To prepare themselves, candidates need to brush up their language skills. Take a class about the culture.

 5. Candidates must make sure that they have insurance that will cover emergency medical needs (including medical evacuation) while they are overseas. Also familiarize with local laws and customs of the countries to which they are traveling.

While abroad, it is advised to avoid using illicit drugs or drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages, and associating with people who do.

Do not become a target for thieves by wearing conspicuous clothing and expensive jewellery and do not carry excessive amounts of cash or unnecessary credit cards. Deal only with authorized agents when candidates exchange money to avoid violating local laws.

It is highly important to know all about country in which candidates are going to study. Information can be gathered from blogs online, travel books, and read up on the history of the city.  Studying abroad is a marvellous experience for candidates and this journey will be smooth if candidates/ students abide rules and be sincere in their studies.


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