Ghost Stay



It electrifies to everyone whether ghost exists.


It was 23:00 hours of dark cloudy night. I was returning from my official tour. I didn’t want to disturb my parents so I opened the door with master key and wrapped up myself into the bed. At around 00: 04 hours, I heard horrifying cries of new born baby in my neighborhood. Slowly I opened the window and saw that a ten feet tall lady was feeding the baby and baby was gratifying and her cries turns to pleasure gurgle. She hugged and was patting with affection.


I was stand still and stunned how could be it possible? It was my hallucination or it was real incident happening. I was shaking, feeling giddiness and nausea. I shut the window and back to sleep.


Next day when I woke, I observed that mob was gathered in my neighborhood and all were talking about neonate. I enquired from my mother. What she told me that was again made me to shiver. I couldn’t understand why such incident happened with me. Why only I saw ghost like lady? Mom told me baby was dead yesterday and parents were waiting to bury her in the morning. At midnight, all were gone to deep sleep, seems like someone gave them sleeping pills. In the morning baby was playing and looking healthy. Everyone was drawing conclusion that divine forces blessed the child that’s why baby is surviving.


All were back to their home. Next day mid night, same incident occurred with me. I decided to move from home. I left early in the morning for neighboring city. At night I slept peacefully.


In the morning at 5:00 o’clock, my cell rang up. It was mom’s call. When I matured the call, she gave me shocking news. The baby left us at 23:00 hours at night. Today she will be buried. I was traumatized. Why I left city? Baby might have survived if I would have stayed there. Something was connected to me.


These questions still frustrate me. I am forced to believe from experience that there was something definitely related to me. Soul exists in universe.


Important note: This is a fictious story and personal views of writer. Writer is not responsible for any resemblance or disagreement.


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