Rebirth dwelling

Rebirth is a blind perplexing concept that constantly revolves around the human mind. Reincarnation entails to regain a fleshy body again and live for a definite period of life on earth. It is a migration from one life to another in physical form after biological death. Transmigration is a sensational and religious thought among people which compel them to think that the soul is present in the cosmos and reborn after the end of life. Soul constantly explores dwelling to stay and complete its tenure in the physical world. Afterward, it merges in heavenly bodies and transmigrates as per the guidelines of God. For some saints or gurus of supernatural thoughts, rebirth happens immediately leaving the body. Other groups of intellectuals proclaim that the soul may roam in the corporeal world after the demise of a person and fulfil its target before rebirth. Traditional dogmas of paranormal domain and religious people signify that the soul continually takes new forms and inher...