Geoengineering: Solution based approach to address the drastic climate changes

Geoengineering is a subset of technologies that mitigates the impact of extreme climate fluctuations such as lower global temperature. Geoengineering adopts the engineered methods to modify the climatic changes and lessen the harmful impact of global warming and other weather conditions that can have adverse effects on earth. Through Geoengineering technology, greenhouse gases are removed from the atmosphere, preserving polar ice. Diverse approaches of Geoengineering technologies can be used to mitigate sudden climate changes that include solar radiation management, carbon dioxide removal, weather modification, or intervention in the planetary ecosystem. Carbon geoengineering removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which can alter the causes of climate change. This technique of geoengineering breaks the link from emissions to concentrations. Solar radiation management techniques reflect sunlight back into space, and modifying clouds, plants and ice to reflect more su...