Upbringing of exceptional child

Tagline: Intellectually gifted children: War of challenges and proud for parents

Babies are very close to the heart of the parents. They can devote every moment to nurture their child in a comfortable ambiance by sacrificing their pleasure and life objectives.  Parents are highly enthused with the birth of infants in their life. Since the beginning, they put extreme efforts for the upbringing of infants. It is well recognized that all kids are born with some exceptional skills and genetically driven behavior. Parents deeply observe every action, behavior and emotional response of their child to groom in a soothing environment. When parents observe the peculiar behavior and brainy attitude of their kids in the intellectual, social and psychological arena, they feel that it is a God gifted quality and need to encourage children through careful grooming. In psychological regimes, these intellectually powerful kids are categorized as Gifted children because they possess high memory power, enhanced analytical and logical prowess and advanced skills as compared to their peers.  These intellectually potent kids have capability to recall edge details of any situation or object precisely, can explain about the product very well, have exceptional grasping aptitude and converse in a matured way. Gifted children can comprehend natural and complex information quickly and exceed their peers in scrutinizing the details they observe in the environment. Parents get surprises from their kids for processing environmental inputs and recognitional skills.

Parents are obliged to God for having a gifted child. At the same time, they contemplate numerous challenges to nurture their exceptional child. Upbringing of brilliant children is a blissful experience for parents because they can witness exceptional qualities embedded in the child’s brain. Parents may face emotional strife to educate the child and face adjustment problems in transition from one development stage to another.  Rationally, gifted children are very inquisitive, passionate to learn complex concepts, and explore new ideas in their environment. This may aggravate stress and anxiety to raise a healthy persona of a child. Such a unique behavioral pattern and intelligent queries of children is a key challenge for parents and trigger anxious feelings.

Exceptionally brainly children may suffer myriads of social and emotional dilemmas which must be attended and resolved by parents in a timely manner to enhance their cognitive skills and coping abilities in school and social settings.  Parents must provide a comfortable environment and shield their brainy child from any susceptible or insecure situation.  Proper socialization of an exceptional child is important for growing in a normal pattern. As with normal IQ children, these exceptional children should be groomed in a natural way. They also need guidance for studying, doing homework and good time for recreational activities.   Parents' responsibility is to find positive qualities of a child, listen to their voice calmly, and enhance these abilities through engagement and relaxing them to polish exceptional characteristics. Parents should not compare their child with peers because such behavior may develop withdrawn feelings in the child which may have a negative impact on tender personality.

When parents witness different intellectual trends in their child, it reflects brainy skills and needs special attention. Parents have to intelligently comprehend a child's mental and physical aspirations, preferences to cope up in developmental stage. If exceptional children are not handled properly, they may be depressed and gripped in mental mayhems.


Grooming gifted children may be a thorny task for parents because they have naturally upgraded brain functions and need great attention to shine on the global podium. Exceptionally brainy children exhibit typical characteristics that include individuality, emotional constancy, unique intellectual abilities, verbal fluency and precision. While raising a gifted child, parents must guard the child in their personal and social activities. Understanding their life problems is an effective way to support gifted children.  Parents must overcome the challenge of peer pressure and brushing up on the talent of a gifted child to chase life objectives. 

Important note: Above article is based on writer's analysis of environmental inputs. Any resemblance is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement. 


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