Water birth emerge as a soothing baby delivery technique for females


Delivering a baby is both exciting and frightening feeling for females. Gynecologists offer myriads of options to expecting mothers for painless delivery. If everything goes normal, doctors espouse latest medical advancement to help pregnant women to opt delivery options keeping good health of mother and baby that encompasses, choose to deliver in the hospital, at a birth center, or at home. In recent medical progression era, many expecting mothers are inclined towards the option of “water birth” to deliver the baby.

Pregnant women are often concern about unbearable pain during delivery and take decision for cesarean delivery which has lifelong precaution. Water birth is medical revolution which is gaining popularity in numerous countries. In Water birth delivery, pregnant women are submerged in a birthing pool to deliver the baby. At this stage, women feel more comfortable as compared to traditional delivery option. This procedure is quite helpful to lessen the pain and anxiety level for women who has started labor pain and very close to deliver the baby. In water birth option for expecting mothers, less medication is required and it is safe. Other noticeable benefits of water birth are less risk of vaginal intervention and natal parents get relaxed due to reduced duration of labor pain. Women has a choice to immerse in lower portion in water during labor pain and come out to give birth a baby outside the pool.

Who is a Good Candidate for Waterbirth?

Gynecologists have authority to decide who is suitable for water birth as an option for delivering the baby. In general, ideal woman for waterbirth procedure must conform to following conditions:

Expecting mothers should be healthy and there should be no complications in growth of unborn baby as well in woman’s health condition.  It must be over 37 weeks gestation and baby’s head is fixed as per physical examination of doctor. Woman can deliver single baby in water birth procedure.

Pressing debate:

Though women are welcoming the water birth procedure for delivery, still it is contentious among medical researchers and health care providers. Antagonists voiced that there are greater risk of neonatal, such as infection, respiratory suffering, tub water aspiration, hyponatriemia, seizures, cord avulsion and mortality. During first stage of labor pain, water immersion may be safe and reduce pain but in advanced stage of labor, there is concern among health care providers to manage pain and smooth delivery.

Water birth may be at Risk: Women may be at risk and baby can catch infection. Other risk factor includes baby’s body temperature could be too high or too low and baby could have seizures or difficulty in breathing.


Bottom line:

Waterbirth is emerged as excellent option for delivery under water in a deep birth pool. Women who choose water birth may be less anxious about labor pain and avoid unnecessary medication. Besides positive aspects of water birth, challengers are concerned about infection and breathing problem to baby during water birth. It is well nestled that through water birth techniques, expecting mothers can miraculously escape from severe pain during labor. This method helps females to be mentally stable and welcome baby with full enthusiasm. 



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