Ocean acidification deteriorates human health

 Oceans are beautiful gift to people in this planet. Oceans are media for trade and voyage from one country to other and for pleasure in world. Humans and water entities get oxygen and maintain good health if oceans are free from pollution. Oceans are responsible for regulating climate which in turn give huge benefit to living organism. In brief, the ocean offers good resources to improve human health that include food, oxygen, livelihoods, blue spaces, and medications. Recently, climate scientists have observed intense threat to such natural resources due to increasing ocean acidification. Human’s bad practices worsen the level of pollutions in oceans. Earlier, ocean acidification pose threat to the marine arena only but currently, it becomes a major human health issue among climate researchers and experts. Several scholars have realized that ocean acidification massively impact on the resources that are responsible for human health. Ocean acidification leads to malnutrition and poisoning, respiratory problems, and mental health illness.

It is evident that carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulating in the world’s oceans and leads to ocean acidification which is major health hazard to global populace. Humans poor practices such as burning fossil fuels and drive deforestation results in increasing CO2 in the atmosphere  which pollutes oceans and leave negative impact on living beings. Adult exposures to polluted oceans may increase the chances of cardiovascular disease and dementia. Plethora of researches also indicated that due to this environmental degradation, when people consume contaminated seafood, it can damage developing brains, diminish IQ and increase the risk of autism in children, ADHD and learning disorders.

As acidification increased, living organisms have to put more energy to maintain their acid-base balance, metabolic processes, or other biological functions for their growth, reproduction, and existence.

Environmental researchers and world leaders have to recognize this issue as an emergency basis. They must explore numerous mitigation and adaptation management policies that can be implemented to curb oceans acidification and offer health benefit to global people. Main mitigation approaches is to execute strategies that aimed  at  the  lessening  the  energy  use  by  industrial  sectors,  decrease  of  net greenhouse gas emissions, decarbonisation of energy supply, and carbon capture and repossession through the improvement of natural sinks or engineering practices.

At bottom line:

To encapsulate the facts of ocean acidification and its harmful impact on human health, it can be appraised that today, oceans have faced unprecedented challenges due to some poor human actions that pose danger to their wellbeing. In natural sphere, marine and coastal biodiversity offers huge benefits for human health. Oceans are very important for livelihood of humans and global geo-chemical processes, such as climate regulation. But rising level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in ocean acidification and is key concern for climate scientists. It directly affect wellbeing of humans and lead to numerous serious illness like mental health disorder, respiratory issues. Therefore government and other environmental organizations must tackle this severe environmental issue to provide protective covering to global community and improve their health.


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