Negative shades of overfishing in ecosystem

 Overfishing is one of the worse human action which involves catching more fish from the water than is maintainable. Such practices have negative repercussion of decline in these species, which can happen rapidly and challenge the ecosystems and may affect the stability of the environment. Several scientists have speculated that increasing overfishing may collapse the marine sea food in coming years.


Key concern with the practice of overfishing by human is that it exhausts marine creatures in the water that disturbs the ecosystems and has dangerous environmental aftermath.

Technical modernization in every arena made human life simple as well as it also threatens to environmental health. Advanced fishing equipment and procedures and huge vessels facilitate fishermen to capture large amount fishes for commercial use. Such fishing operation results in declining species in ocean and fishermen and boats roam to new location to go deeper in sea to capture fishes. This has devastating outcome for ecosystems. Other negative effects of overfishing is scarcity of food sources for other marine species. Such actions may have dangerous consequences in terms of decrease in number of marine animals.

Continuous overfishing operations may damage ecosystem and lead to dead zones in which oxygen level is low and organism survival is difficult. It can be understood that overfishing has negative impacts on the environment because it disturbs the equilibrium of the marine food webs.

It is imperative to take initiative to stop overfishing.

Best way to prevent practices of overfishing to lessen the consumption of sea species. Another effectual process to curb overfishing is that Governments and international organizations must jointly make efforts to implement legal policies to stop illegal fishing, give support to marine subsidiaries to promote sustainable fishing, and devise strategies so that overfishing can be controlled. Government also facilitate organization to develop more Marine Park to save fishes and help them for reproduction.


Final note:

In a critical analysis, it is well grasped that overfishing in oceans is alarm for forthcoming disaster at global scale. Overfishing is a detrimental human operation which threatens the whole ecosystem. Marine scientists are worried about overfishing as it can reduce the remaining fish, as well as affect their reproduction. When fisherman continuously capture fishes from ocean, it will corrode food web that creates imbalance in ecosystem and annihilation of some marine creatures.



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