Light therapy to enhance mood of people griped in seasonal affective disorder


People in convoluted world suffer from various mental turmoil. Due to heavy work load, tough life and frequent relocation for job, many professionals grip in depression which needs medical attention. Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that normally occurs in winter season due to lack of sunlight which impact on circadian rhythms of person that regulates the biological processes in body. Lack of sunlight or less exposure can drop the serotonin and melatonin levels in body which can immensely affect sleep patterns and mood.


Psychologist advices light therapy, also termed as phototherapy to lessen the impact of depression and enhance mood of such professionals.  Light therapy is conducted by using artificial bright light lamps or blue light to create daytime environment for 30 to 60 minutes duration to elate clients in order to make them mentally comfortable and reduce visible symptoms of depression. The light boxes or lamps are designed with fluorescent lights on a metal reflective base to diffuse the light and filter out unsafe ultraviolet light rays. Such light exposure in the morning is helpful in maintaining body’s normal circadian rhythm. It can be understood in such way that when light enters in eyes, they send signals to the brain to decrease the levels of melatonin.

It is observed that light therapy is beneficial for depression that is not regular, Jetlag, Sleep disorders and dementia patients. Light therapy is an effective treatment for depressed patients but have some side effects. Major side effects of light therapy are headache, eye strain, irritability and nausea.

It is not approved by FDA for seasonal affective disorder therefore therapists must be cautious while applying light therapy to depressed patients.

Final word:

Light therapy is used by therapist to treat numerous mental health illness such as Seasonal affective disorder. It is very safe and easy to conduct on patients. Normally therapist asks patients to sit close to lamps to absorb light with in specified period of time. It really works with depressive patients to enhance their mood. Positive aspect of light therapy is that it is low cast and accessible as light boxes are portable and easy to handle.



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