Life after spine slipped disc operation: personal experienc

Slip disc is widespread health condition around the globe. Especially females are more affected with slip disc after delivery or when they meet with some accident or injury.


The spine is very important part of human body and it is made up of several small bones, known as vertebrae. Disc is placed between each vertebra which is the shape of a flattened cylinder. These discs are responsible for flexibility of spine in bending forward or backward because of strong malleable material and have tough fibrous outer part and a softer jelly-like part in the centre named as the nucleus pulposus. It is observed that back pain is common symptom among people and slip (prolapsed) disc is major cause of this pain between 30 to 50 years.

Slip disc occurs when one of the disks ruptures (herniates) or stretches between the bones and presses on nearby nerves. When person suffers from slipped or prolapsed disc he/she complains pain, numbness, and weakness in back, legs, or arms. These symptoms may lessen with rest, medication, and physio therapy. Sometimes accident or prolong prolapsed disc may cause severe damage to disc. Such prolapsed disc is not cured by any therapy or medication and surgery is the only solution to give relief to patient. Mostly these spine surgery are successful and it improves condition of patients rapidly. But we cannot ignore after effects in some cases.

Prolapsed disc surgery is recommended by neurosurgeon when patient’s other health parameters are good. Also when patient is unable to perform daily activities and constantly feel numbness or weakness from the disk pressing on nerves then doctors immediately advice for surgery. In severe disc prolapsed, patients can lose control on their bladder or bowels and find trouble in standing or walking.


There are different types of surgeries done for herniated disc that include:

Diskectomyin which surgeon removes injured disk to relieve pressure on nearby nerves. Such surgery is performed in an open diskectomy with a cut in back.

Another surgical procedure is Microdiscectomy in which surgeon make small cut and inserts a thin tube with a camera on one end to check and remove the affected disk that presses the nerves.

In Lumbar laminotomy, surgery is performed by removing a small piece of bone called the lamina from the vertebra which covers to protect spinal cord. With the removal of part or all helps the surgeon to get herniated disk. It also can relieve pressure on nearby nerves and relives leg pain and sciatica.


After herniated disk surgery, pressure of the nerves is released and patients get rid of pain and numbness in legs or toes. Surgery is highly effectual treatment for prolapsed disc. It has prompt positive results and improvement in relieving pain or numbness and weakness within two to three weeks after surgery.  

Slip disc operation is very complicated operation and to prepare a patient is also a daunting task.

In real life scenario, I went through slip disc surgery over 20 years back. There were multiple reasons for this disastrous condition as I travelled with old vehicle and experienced bumps which injured my disc to great extent and became prolapsed. The operation was done because all other physio therapy, medication or rest didn’t relieve from pain. I had to suffer severe pain, numbness in right toes and upper side of leg. I constantly felt radiating pain in right legs which was not relived from any type of pain killer. Another disastrous symptoms was misaligned body posture. My body posture was bent towards right side and I had difficulty in walking due to nerve compression. During that time, it was horrendous feeling and I felt that I will never come up with this medical condition. At the same time, I thought that I should make efforts to revive from such horrible state and support doctors to diagnose properly and take good decision about the treatment. These positive approach worked. My Neurosurgeon in AIIMS Delhi decided to go for herniated disc surgery because majority of nearby nerves were compressed by prolapsed disc (L5S1) which had lost elasticity.

I had gone through surgery that was successful and when I was in ICU, all paramedical staff took great care of me. It was really a challenging surgery for surgeon. Surgeon recommended two months bed rest and did not allow moving out of the city. I followed and results were great. My pain and weakness was improved but numbness was still there in toe. Physiotherapist recommended some exercise which I am doing on regular basis to retain my health. Doctors explained some precautions such as avoid Lifting heavy objects, long sitting, bend or stretch too much, do not use stairs regularly, always choose front seat in vehicle, eat low fat and rich vitamin diet and drink milk regularly. Though sometime I ignored precautions so numbness increased but resuming exercises and diet, I made my health condition better.

Presently, I do regular household work, give home office sitting, going to social celebration in safe way, and sometimes use public transport also. The life after prolapsed disc is not bad but I adhere to medical advice of Doctor.



Closing thoughts:

From personal experience, I can appraise that slipped disc is a key health concern. It should be attended immediately so that exercise and medication help to reduce the sudden, severe lower back pain caused by a 'slipped' (prolapsed) disc. Slipped disc often presses nerve root which give rise severe pain and numbness in legs and toes. In slipped disc, majority of cases, symptoms gradually decreases with exercise or medication. Disks act as a shock absorbers, and person can bend and move without bones rubbing together. If condition is worse due to slipped disc, doctors suggest surgery.



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