Friendship sparkles over any human relationship


Somebody was backing me in an unknown place when I was on the way to hospital in public transport. I got surprised why she gave her hand to me as we both were strangers. This is the nascent stage of friendship that never ended. Such events glimmer friendship in my heart. Friendship has no boundaries and it is profoundly based on affection between persons. It can transpire in any place and time.

Friendship is poised feeling, and it has never been developed for monetary gains, expectation or any form of return. True friendship is on trust, relaxation, support and acceptance. It is intricate to judge true friendship in surrounding. Friendship automatically emerges when we gripped in odd circumstances, we need someone to support. Friends shield us to grapple our emotional glitches, mental turmoil and physical problems. 

A touchy experience of the true nature of friendship occurred when I was 11 years old. In school time, when I was upgraded into new session, I could not attend first day due to health concern but my classmate who was very close to me was there. She fought aggressively for me to sit with her when desk was allotted to all students for some project/practical work. Ultimately she succeeded as teacher allotted seat for me. And then our friendship was strong.

True friends are mental healer that no one can support in this world.

True friendship always bring happiness and helps in retaining good mental and physical health because we share our thoughts, sorrows, positive feelings, achievements and failures. Friends never let us down in life and always give sincere advice. Though assessing true friends is thorny task. Truthfully, friendships enable us to live every moment cheerful and we are enthusiastic in their presence. Especially in school age time, friends help us to cope up with difficult situations, and guide us to develop new hobbies for peace and glee in life. In young-hood, friends really serve as mentor to choose career path, learn to take responsibility, and developing good moral values. At adulthood, we are encountered with many issues that make our life more complicated. In such situations, friends always extend their support to give viable solutions to problems we face. It has been visualized that friends are one of the strong pillar behind our success in all spheres of life. 

True event:

As a friend in my post graduate study, when final exams were going on, I shared my precious notes with my friend which she needed. She was highly delighted because she had not prepared notes on that topic. Though my family had advised not to share such notes in exam time because I may also be needing to prepare and revise but I had a feeling that in friendship, we should extend our help without any personal benefits. I believe, such pro-social behaviour makes one more close to God.

Friends leave never-ending smile on our face.

Wrapping to all strands, friendship is glistening and overpowering all relations, remove all polluting thoughts and problems which in turn augment our lifestyle.


  1. Such a beautiful article and heart touching. Dedicating to my besties..


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