Inner voice for deadly infectious disease


Whole world is under the web of deadly corona virus and still future is wrapped in dark cloud as vaccine sometimes fail to safeguard humans. Medical scientists are rigorously doing researches to combat the lethal nature of disease but smart virus insistently mutating and gave birth to new variants to wreck global human society.

In exploding corona epidemic and rapidly reproducing new dangerous strains which may be fatal for humans, it is really imperative that people in general must  not involve in blistering dialogue or develop internal rift but at the same time they must be cautious about mental turmoil with the repercussion of Covid plague.


As it is well-known fact that COVID-19 is pandemic triggered by coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. It is highly infectious ailment and severely attack on respiratory system of human. The corona virus can be transmitted from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze or breathe. Even small aerosols can spread corona virus in healthy people.


Basically aging people are more vulnerable to corona disease and may become serious. Youngsters too infected with corona need medical attention. Currently cases of Omicron corona virus are reported around the globe which is also highly transmissible. According to WHO, it is a variant of concern. It is well noticeable that Omicron is spreading significantly faster than previous Delta variant but it is not deadly.  


Medical professionals frequently voice that people must get the vaccine to boost immune system and stick to the government guidelines in order to avert the transmission of virus. Major precautions which people need to take include maintaining physical distancing, wearing masks, maintain cleanliness such as regular hand washing and there should be proper indoor ventilation.

An important message from the heart of writer is that whenever people get infected with Corona virus, they need to first accept the disease and start thinking to come out from this health condition. Mental balance and positive workout will enhance the self-confidence and it may assist person to progress rapidly from disease. Though morale of patients is down when get infected but they must try to cope up with symptoms in optimistic way.  It will also boost the emotional status of attenders and create good ambience in family. Attendants also need to take care of patients dedicatedly and act immediately whenever any intense situation arise.

To settle down the facts, corona is serious ailment and play with the life of humans but proactive approach and proper medication, we all can defeat this illness and make our life joyful and healthy.


Important note: In above article is based on inner views of writer. Any resemblance of content is just a coincidence. Writer is not responsible for any disagreement.


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