Widen your knowledge about rare neurological disorder: “Alien hand syndrome”

Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is an unusual form of neurological ailment.  Alien hand syndrome is a disorder of motor control in which there is involuntary but purposeful hand movements that may be associated with agnosia, weakness, sensory impairment, or weakness. 

Main causes of developing this rare neurological disorder are injury to brain, head trauma, anterior cerebral artery strokes, midline tumours, side effect of some brain surgery and neurodegenerative diseases. Some strange causes include spontaneous pneumocephalus, migraine aura, seizure and Parry–Romberg Syndrome, a presumed autoimmune disorder with progressive facial hemiatrophy. This disorder is linked with frontal, occipital and parietal lobes of brain.

Most prominent symptom of Alien hand syndrome is lack of hand control though affected hand retains a good strength but it freely moves without cognitive control. Patients are unable to feel control over hands movements. It has been observed that patients of Alien hand syndrome may perform complicated task such as removing clothes, manipulating tools.

Medical studies have shown that patients with Alzheimer’s and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease may show symptoms of Alien hand syndrome.

Diagnosis of AHS can be done through neuroimaging techniques such as FMRI, FDG-PET, DTT, rCBF using SPECT.

At present, there is no proven therapy for AHS. Symptoms can be managed through pharmacologic, physical and behavioural interventions.

Last word:

Alien hand syndrome is an outcome of neurological impairment in person. Patients grip in this disorder have involuntary control of arm but they are aware to perform some intricate tasks. AHS may attach person due to some brain surgery or neurological damage. Diagnosis of this disorder is a challenge for medical experts. It is necessary to perform careful observation and evaluation of patients undergo AHS. The worst part is that not therapies are develop to cure this rare disorder.


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