Knock me before I become silent

Deadliest feeling in whole life for individuals is to give up when rapt in intricate surroundings. To head off the grave hiccups whether it is in personal or professional domain, coupling of mental and physical wires is pivotal.

Though success, wealth, fame, power, good looks, romantic love are external strands of society but real pleasure have different connotation. People surround take great care from their perspective for person breathing at last stage. They may not pinpoint key nerves of person in high point of living. It is necessary to tap the real feeling of person in his/her ending of life.

Human beings have prowess to quickly adapt to new surroundings. It is a great attribute of humans that has helped them survive and prosper. When switching from physical life to another birth cycle, person usually express brilliant explorations, unique experiences and happy moment of their life. It is good to train our brain to remain positive at deep hours. The happier the person, the more likely that he or she has a large, supportive circle of family and friends, a fulfilling marriage, and a thriving social life. Another mental gain of life is to share creativity. People who enhanced creativity from personal projects and hobbies may allowed to radiate into the working world.

When passing to another world, it is imperative to focus on inner peace that will resolve all mental and physical inquires of life. People close to person in last stage of life must be equip with such dogmas to deal with baffling struggles in physical world. Mentally strong people may confidently manage life challenges. It is important for person near death to impart enriched experience and capabilities to their offspring or close ones so that they can be benefited and lead superb life.

Final expression:

Chasing happiness and exploring inner peace are key cornerstones of living in this physical world. At times of transition to new horizon, we must air our gains and losing of ease the life of upcoming generations. Creating such milieu that closeness can comprehend the real and hard truth life is pacific way to depart. It is nice that person have quest for spiritual pathway.


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