Weight Loss to be energetic

In present convoluted world, technological advancement led to numerous health issues. World populace are more concerned about the quality of food they consume. The nutritional value of food is a critical issue at international scale as it lead to obesity in person. People naturally gain weight as a consequences of multiple factors. There are no mystical shots to reduce weight overnight. 

When we talk about the weight loss, it may denote multiflorous phenomenon. Weight loss with reference to medicine, health, or physical aptness is explicated as lessening of the total body mass because of a mean loss of fluid. Weight loss can occur as an upshot of underfeeding. Today, people are more conscious about their weight and to curb fat in the body, they espouse numerous techniques to reduce weight. At any age, people want to maintain a healthy weight and to look smart and active. Though, there are some conventional thoughts about weight loss such as do more exercise, low food intake but in long term it may effect negatively. Mushrooming medical researchers have affirmed that body weight management is essential to beat deadly diseases. 

It is important to note that western style is different from other countries food choices.  In western countries, people have to choose proper food selection to reduce weight. If any person has a mission to weight loss then he has to make diet plan according to his choice of food items. 
Many health supporters have an opinion that the best method to lose weight is to join a gym and do workout for hours. But if they have included heavy calories in diet, it will be a waste. Some folks go for improper dieting to reduce their weight and invite many ailments.  It is imperative to embrace proper ways to lose weight. 

It is well established that every human being has different calorie requirement. Some people are vegetarian and others are non-vegetarian. No matter what type of food people prefer, but they need to decrease the calorie intake, then the body will start using its stored fat. Nonetheless, according medical records, the minimum energy requirement of an adult person is 1200-1800 calories. Therefore, diet plan should be in such a way that a person consumes approximately 1800 calories. These calories are divided into main meals, mid meals of the day to give good results in short period.

There are several ways by which people can manage their weight.

-        The primary step for losing weight is to select diet that is low in carbohydrate. If a person want to lose weight then he must evade starch and sugar in diet.
-        For weight loss, person must drink lukewarm water by adding lemon juice. Another drink options are green tea or black coffee without sugar.
-        It is very important to make schedule for eating. It is recommended by physicians that people must take light foods at short intervals instead of having heavy meals in breakfast and lunch. It is suggested to eat natural fats.
-        When choosing low carbohydrate diet, people must pick real or natural foods.
-        -For weight loss, people must consume more fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and whole grains.
-        Major factors behind effective weight loss is recommended diet and habit of regular exercise.  It is to be noted that energy intake must be harmonized with energy outflow.
-        Keep track of weight loss. It will guide people to maintain their health. 

Though diet plays pivotal role in weight loss, but plenty of fitness exercises available worldwide and ancient procedure Yoga derived from India are helpful in reducing weight. Yoga is a science that makes person to look young and maintain good health. People may choose yoga under supervision of trainer to lose weight. It is for awareness of all that besides faulty and poor dietary habits, it is recognized that weight gain also occur due to improper functioning of body parts. People who practice yoga, may learn basic breathing method that intend to clean, balance and revitalize inner organs and their functions. Several breathing exercises and basic Asanas mentioned in yoga, aid to enhance metabolic and heart rates. These yoga practices help to open sluggish muscles and enable weight loss. Some yoga Asanas assist in weight loss are as under:

Ø  Surya Namaskar
Ø  Veerabhadrasana
Ø  Trikonasana
Ø  Purvottanasana

It is highly recommended that Yoga Asans must be practiced under the supervision of yoga instructor. 

In nutshell, this article expounded efficacious ways to lose weight. It is necessary to take care of body weight. Obesity is afflicting the populace at great pace. Today people have different lifestyle that may affect their health. People are advised to maintain weight to perform daily activities smoothly and enhance their day to day life with good persona. 


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