Drone surveillance: An advanced technology for the downfall of coronavirus

Drone technology is embryonic air machinery in the arena of IT and gaining interest among technologists and researchers. Drones or Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are the airplanes, which can fly without a pilot and travellers on board. Drone are controlled remotely by radio waves or with a predetermined route. These are well equipped with accessories used for investigation and watching, in the form of the optoelectronic heads. Main attractive feature of drones is that additional infrastructure is not needed to rapidly register and monitor a chosen area or object. Drones, also called mini-unmanned aerial vehicles, have vast applications in communications, photography, agriculture, surveillance and array of other public services. Among several uses, these drones also pose various safety, security and privacy threats. The model of drones are used in US since past time and they normally hover around crime scenes to collate evidence to improve remote investigations and to crack crime issues through instant response.


Drone systems can be modified to perform this particular navigation and scan atmosphere through different angles with the use of infra-red sensors, laser, and optical sensors. In present scenario, drones are highly beneficial to do civilian tasks such search and rescue operations observing weather conditions and traffic flows delivering merchandises and for aerial photography. Main application of drones is aerial photojournalism. Other important uses of drones include shipping deliveries, inspection of building safety, monitoring of crops and cargo transport. Thermal sensor drones are used for search as well as rescue operations, collecting useful data for disaster management, storm tracking, and tornado prediction.




Drones are categorized into fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft. Fixed-wing UAS are more effective, have longer ranges and have greater cargoes whereas rotary-wing drones take off and land vertically with the ability to hover during flight. Drone technology has great applications in healthcare industries such delivering medicines, vaccines, blood and other medical equipment. Such supplies can be quickly delivered in inaccessible areas. In the healthcare perspective, doctors need timely delivery of medications, vaccines and blood for the treatment of critical patients. Drones can serve best to resolve such logistic challenges. It can be said that drones are revolutionary technology to ease healthcare challenges and transportation of urgent medicines.


Drones are wonderful options for immediate medical supplies but it is not free from challenges. There are several legal challenges for flying drones in the line-of-sight. Drones also have technical limitations such as the battery life, payload capacity and maximum coverable distance. Additionally, some crooks may misuse the drone technology to deliver banned drugs.


Today world is gripped under fatal corona virus and people are helpless as it is spreading like fire in forest. In such condition, drones have huge applications. Drones can patrol corona hit zones and observe crowds. In the outburst of covid19, several drones are being used to monitor the grim situation in countries. Both public and private organizations can use drones as a device for planning and preparation for health emergency situations and can prevent disease from spreading to other areas. Drones can well monitor the people who do not wear masks in public space. They can also send the information in broader areas to inform public about threats. An important application of drones in lessening the impact of coronavirus is to spray disinfectant in public spaces. Drones can also be used in thermal sensing and to identify people with raised body temperatures which can indicate the virus infection.


Drone surveillance and monitoring is major applications to combat coronavirus. In Kazakhstan, drones are used with infrared sensors, for patrolling and monitoring unlawful border movement. It will help in preventing the spread of coronavirus infections.  China has effectively implemented Drone surveillance for protection against coronavirus. In lessening the eruption of corona virus, drones carryout important task such as observing the highly populated areas and guarantee that people are maintaining social distancing, also generate cognizance about COVID-19, spraying disinfectants and checking people's temperature. Drones, well loaded with camera and speakers can monitor the colonies in the town and ensure that people stay within their homes, especially in containment zones in lock down period. It will assist government to track people who violate.




Concluding remarks:


Drones, named as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles offers wonderful tool in performing surveillance, sanitisation and to approach people with minimum risk of infection for their peoples. This article is mainly based on wide array of applications of drones in healthcare, especially in surveillance of corona affected areas. With the outburst of COVID-19, whole world is facing health emergency situation and exploring novel techniques to beat this deadly virus.  Drones are viable and effective solution to lessen the impact of corona virus and safeguard the human life up to some extent. Drones can monitor the movement in public place, useful for spraying disinfectant, delivering medical supplies to save the life of patients. Commonly, drone technology is precious tool to fight against coronavirus pandemic around the globe.




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