
Showing posts from March, 2025

Quantifying disease healing potencies of homeopathic medical science: knowledge load for layman

Medical dogma of homeopathic science signifies that the human body is self-sufficient to brawl against disease pollutants. Human existence is threatened in a highly polluted and digitalized environment which may have grave health repercussions.  Medical science has evolved at a great pace to offer a gamut of treatment options for dreaded diseases with recent medical discoveries. Still the research is at nascent stage and do not have solutions for newly erupting viruses or ailments. Among various streams, homeopathic treatment allures masses for treating chronic or critical diseases when allopathic science fails to cure patients gripped in certain health disorders.  Magnetic aspect of homeopathic treatment is its wonderful humanistic approach to tap the infections or other health hazardous elements in the whole human body with lesser side impacts. In other medical domains such as in allopathic science, medicines or surgeries are targeted on the painful areas or affected bod...

Icy Ghoul’s cracking route (Horror story)

Horror ingenious instinct grabbed the mountain landscape where Eskimos live.  On a windy night, two visitors arrived at a mountain resort to celebrate and capture the life episode of the special occasion. Resort was well equipped with modern gadgets, amenities and on the first floor, there was a lush green hanging garden that allured voyagers who are eager to grasp the fresh and juicy flavor of stunning natural landscape. Landing on the projected hilly rock wrapped with milky snow, a sweet and charming young couple stunned to look at the splendor of nature but they were unacquainted of scary forces behind the spectacular prettification of surroundings. Charm is chased by vampires to suppress their envy when lived as a human. These Snow ghosts were very active when moisture-rich mountain air strikes with freezing temperatures and creates horrific images in wild trees covered with heavy snow. Icy Ghouls hunt the youngsters to tarnish their glowing beauty and weaken them in such a w...